Event box

Anxious Generation Community Book Talk In-Person
This action oriented event will start with a panel of experts from the community and school discussing how the central themes in Heidt's book are impacting young people in Harvard and how our community may help implement some of Heidt's suggestions to promote healthy development among Harvard's youth. You may submit questions for the panelists in advance.
The panel will be followed by a breakout session where participants will discuss the book with their parental cohort and generate solutions for families and the community to implement.
The event will end with all groups reconvening to share solutions and next steps.
Register for the discussion here: https://secure.givelively.org/event/harvard-pto-inc/community-discussion-the-anxious-generation
Alphabest has generously donated their time to provide babysitting for the first 26 children aged 5-13 to register. Registration for babysitting is mandatory, no drop-ins will be permitted. Please register for babysitting here: https://forms.gle/rc4fatcRjaCWsnH57.
Infants and children under 5 are welcome to attend the event and stay with their caregiver.
Event sponsored by: AlphaBest, Harvard PTO, Harvard Family Association, Harvard Schools Trust, Harvard Public Schools, Harvard Public Library (books pre-reserved, go ASAP), Little Bee Bookshop (15% discount)